Media – “The national treasures of Shepparton”

Once again, our Australian partner Westside Circus made the news as they presented the 3 students that will take part in National Treasures’ youth exchange. The article was published by the Sport Sherrin Adviser. “The whole community is very proud of what Adam, Telaah and Kyrone have achieved with their talent and perceverence” “Westside Circus is one of four international …

Media – “Budding acrobats bound for UK”

Our Australian partner Westside Circus spoke to the Shepparton News about National Treasures. This article speaks about the future youth exchange they will host in November as well as the 3 participants who will take part in another youth exchange in York. “The students will also meet young people from Brazil, Sweden and the UK during the program and learn …

Start-Up seminar – Media coverage

During the seminar, our partner IFALL contacted the media. We had the pleasure to welcome a journalist from a local paper called HD. Partners explained to the journalist what the project was about. The article has been published on the following Friday 17th March 2017. Partners also promoted it on their own social media. Click here to read the article …